Monday 18 June 2012

Decor A La Mode Part Une

Decor A La Mode! I bet your wondering what that title is all about. Well This Saturday Is my house warming and I started to freak out a bit yesterday because I don't feel ready in the slightest! My coffee Table wont be ready till the weekend, that's if my b-law has time to come cut the legs! I need to hang all my pictures (not including the ones I still have to make) Then there's the Cleaning, oh god do I ever need to clean.
So I decided working on small decor projects will be my main focus of the week. I will be doing this in a 3 part series!
Ive calmed down now. It's amAAzing how tranquil crafts can be. Today I did mod podge again (I'm so obsessed with this craft its ridonculous). I needed something for outside to try and tie it in with the rest of the condos look (semi lived in one day shabby) So I decided I needed Jars for candles and bottles for centre pieces. I will accomplish this by using left over napkins and mod podge from the chair project.
You will need the same type of sponge brush and also some paper to lay down underneath so as not to glue your project to the table! Don't worry mom this is a pre-thought tip, not hindsight, I'm being very careful with the table!
First you will need to soak you bottles and jars in the water to remove any label that may be on them. Once you have removed the said label start out with applying a coat of your glue mixture to your jar
Helpful hint: Don't apply the glue around the whole jar at once you will need to do it in sections so your fingers don't get stuck to the project!
Now the fun part about this is, that unlike the chair, it doesn't matter if you over lap the tissue an excessive amount. This is where we find the perfection in the flaws. So what I did was rip the Tissue into small and large pieces,
and applied them all willy nilly like to give it a more shabby appeal! I did this to a glass jar and one wine bottle.

Do be sure to remove the plastic ring from the wine bottles lid before you start your task this can get hard to remove after your glue has set. (this one was hindsight)
Being able to create something that doesn't need to be done exactly right down to the T, was exactly what I needed today. A mindless task to help me relax and get my mind off of what I've yet to do!
After Part Duex I will post pictures of all the final projects in their rightful spots! hopefully I can have that all posted for you guys tomorrow evening.

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